Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fencing Lesson

En Garde!

Another writer from my critique group and I had the amazing opportunity to take a Fencing lesson together! Since we both have a bit of Swordplay in our novels, we wanted to get our facts straight and see how it felt to wield a sword.
Unfortunately, I forgot to take my camera with me to the lesson, but my prepared, lovely, kind and generous crit partner sent me some pics for me to post. Thanks Melanie!

Me and Mr.(almost Master) Cogley

Fun Fun! So much to learn!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Where to begin...

Several years ago I decided to write something. After all, I have a college degree and should use it somehow... being a mom of young children only uses your brain so much, then you need to engage it elsewhere. I needed to use my brain more. And I chose writing as an outlet and a challenge. Writing is challenging, as any writer will tell you, it is not easy to keep at it. Especially if you keep at it long enough to actually get published So, I started writing fantasy. Not that I've been a big fantasy fan or anything, I just went with what I learned about in college: Norse Mythology and folklore. Since starting my first novel (a YA fantasy about a girl named Annalena), I've started three other projects, which I'm continuing today in my attempts to learn the craft of writing.